Help Me Find a College: North Carolina

Where to Start Looking to Find a College in North Carolina

North Carolina HIghway SignThe College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) is sponsored by the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA) and Pathways of North Carolina. The website provides a detailed planning guide for college by grade with relevant links such as links to test prep resources and college matching assistant.?  The matching assistant is limited to North Carolina but includes private and public institutions.

If you create a an account, the website allows you to apply to colleges and manage your high school transcript. Registered users can also take a variety of assessments such as an interest profiler and career cluster survey. The financial portfolio section also includes information on the scholarship application process. The site also has a variety of financial literacy tools and videos.

North Carolina Find a College Summary
Public Private
Number 16 34
Students 71% 29%
50-50 6 3
5/4 Yr
Grad Rate
48% 36.4%
Test Scores

SAT Avg 75%
Critical Reading 491 560
Math 506 580
Top Ten Colleges Applied To
  • North Carolina State University Raleigh
  • East Carolina University
  • University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
  • Appalachian State University
  • University North Carolina Charlotte
  • University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • University of North Carolina Greensboro
  • North Carolina Central University
  • Duke University
  • Campbell University

The College Redirection feature allows students who haven’t been admitted for the fall to be submitted to a pool of students for North Carolina institutions with open admission slots. Users can also download a schedule of financial aid workshops offered by CFNC.?  Students interested in the Transferred Assured Admissions Policy also need to register at the CFNC website.

Information on transferring from community colleges to private institutions can be found on the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities website (NCICU).?  Students interested in private colleges should download the NCICU Counselors Handbook that has information on private North Carolina colleges and universities.

Students interested in online opportunities should visit the elearningNC website. The website contains information on online programs for high school, community college, and four-year institutions.

Some Numbers to Help You Find a College

There are 50 four-year institutions with 500 or more full-time undergraduates in North Carolina according to the Integrated Post-secondary Education Data System. A little over 29 percent of students attend one of the 34 private colleges while approximately 70 percent of students attend one of the 16 state institutions.

The private colleges have an average four-year graduation rate of 36 percent while the four-year state schools have a five-year rate of 48 percent. Only nine colleges meet the 50-50 DIY College Rankings Profile Requirements.

College-bound seniors in North Carolina had an average of 491 for SAT Critical Reading and 506 for the Math section.?  The 75th Percentile scores were 560 for Critical Reading and 580 for Mathematics. A total of 17 colleges had 75th percentile scores at or above this level.

The top 20 colleges SAT test takers in North Carolina applied to:

  • North Carolina State University Raleigh
  • East Carolina University
  • University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
  • Appalachian State University
  • University North Carolina Charlotte
  • University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • University of North Carolina Greensboro
  • Western Carolina University
  • North Carolina Central University
  • Campbell University
  • North Carolina Agricultural Tech State U
  • Duke University
  • Winston-Salem State University
  • University of South Carolina Columbia
  • Wingate University
  • University of North Carolina Pembroke
  • University North Carolina Asheville
  • Wake Forest University
  • Clemson University
  • Elon University

List of Colleges in North Carolina

In the following table, the four-year graduation rate is used for private colleges and the five-year rate for public colleges. The data are based on the data available from IPEDS in the fall of 2012 which are available on the DIY College Search spreadsheet.

4/5 Yr
Apex School of TheologyPrivate5621009230
Appalachian State UniversityPublic1511564636206202810203
Barton CollegePrivate90041425005202221781
Belmont Abbey CollegePrivate154933685405302422087
Bennett CollegePrivate609258319532
Brevard CollegePrivate69031455205302219655
Campbell UniversityPrivate353739706556452726163
Catawba CollegePrivate1210414154056020166
Chowan UniversityPrivate128515624304401718496
Davidson CollegePrivate178890267307103322250
Duke UniversityPrivate662987137607903419116
East Carolina UniversityPublic1850052625505702411782
Elizabeth City State UniversityPublic21463857450470181993
Elon UniversityPrivate546477546606602630272
Fayetteville State UniversityPublic39712755450470195914
Gardner-Webb UniversityPrivate208943485505702521661
Greensboro CollegePrivate77115785005202120688
Guilford CollegePrivate192849686105802628002
High Point UniversityPrivate395358645806002633395
Johnson & Wales University-CharlottePrivate2286416023773
Johnson C Smith UniversityPrivate132332374704501916118
Lees-McRae CollegePrivate883306622275
Lenoir-Rhyne UniversityPrivate130640685305502319715
Livingstone CollegePrivate116411714104101614763
Mars Hill UniversityPrivate131926645105302317064
Meredith CollegePrivate149050625705702522911
Methodist UniversityPrivate196218615205402324694
Mount Olive CollegePrivate138626504905302014266
North Carolina A & T State UniversityPublic80983570480500217613
North Carolina Central UniversityPublic52973350460470199634
North Carolina State University at RaleighPublic2146968506406703012129
North Carolina Wesleyan CollegePrivate123223474705002018733
Pfeiffer UniversityPrivate85633965205402217032
Queens University of CharlottePrivate141044775605802624751
Saint Augustine's UniversityPrivate126522674234351722957
Salem CollegePrivate82761586205802716068
Shaw UniversityPrivate1784165418471
St Andrews UniversityPrivate5584645105302322980
University of North Carolina at AshevillePublic312956646506402711263
University of North Carolina at Chapel HillPublic1757088287007103211994
University of North Carolina at CharlottePublic1830948695606002510506
University of North Carolina at GreensboroPublic124695060560560259581
University of North Carolina at PembrokePublic42302872500510219632
University of North Carolina School of the ArtsPublic78159456306102611632
University of North Carolina WilmingtonPublic1140868546206302612089
Wake Forest UniversityPrivate4756823534072
Warren Wilson CollegePrivate82440706605902724075
Western Carolina UniversityPublic708148385605702411978
William Peace UniversityPrivate87538915205102119159
Wingate UniversityPrivate195347795505702415438
Winston-Salem State UniversityPublic43173856470490198340


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