FAQ: What is a suitcase school?

Post-it note asking What is a suitcase school?A suitcase school is college that is a predominately residential campus, unlike a commuter school, but where a significant percentage of students go home for the weekend. Suitcase schools tend to be less selective and have a majority of students who live in a close travel radius to the school.

Suitcase schools are a concern for students don’t live close enough to go home every weekend or cannot afford to. Schools that do not have a large number of students on campus on the weekends may close libraries early and have limited cafeteria service Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. A suitcase school will often have fewer activities or social activities available on the weekend.

This makes it difficult for the students on campus to develop close relationships with other students. This can especially cause problems for freshman far from home with no other support system available. The lack of engagement can negate the benefits students received by living on campus.

FAQ: What is a suitcase school?

3 thoughts on “FAQ: What is a suitcase school?”

  1. Michelle, this is the first time I’ve heard this term “suitcase school.” Can you give me some examples? It’s January 1 and you’ve already taught me something… BTW – drove by Hutto going to and from the Alamo Bowl. Thought about you among the Hippos.

    • Texas State was known as a suit case as is University of Southern Connecticut. The only people who stayed on campus were athletes. This is probably not as true for Texas State as it had once been. Football teams can help a lot.

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