Most Expensive Public Universities for Out-of-State Students

A pink piggy bank wearing a graduation cap is placed on top of scattered dollar bills, symbolizing the financial burden faced by students attending some of the most expensive out-of-state public universities.

sad piggy bank representing expensive out of state universitiesMost people understand that private colleges have a much higher price tag than public universities which is why many never consider private schools. This is a shame since there are some private colleges that offer great opportunities along with generous financial aid. What a lot of people don’t realize is that out-of-state public institutions generally have the worst characteristics of both public and private colleges. They have the high price of private colleges with the limited financial aid of public universities.

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50-50 Highlights: Don’t Overlook These 105 Liberal Arts Colleges

Students on lawn considering liberal arts colleges

Students on lawn considering Liberal Arts Colleges US News Best College Rankings consists of two national lists: National Universities and National Liberal Arts Colleges. Most people recognize the schools at the top of the National Universities list. Those at the top of the National Liberal Arts lists? Not so much. The reason is because by definition, Liberal Arts Colleges (LAC) are smaller, have a limited number of majors, and few, if any graduate students. And this makes them some of the most effective college teaching experiences around.

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50-50 Highlights: 89 Best Bets for Affordable Public Universities

A person wearing graduation robes and a cap holds five $100 bills against a green textured background, celebrating the achievement made possible by affordable public universities.

female college graduate holding moeny representing affordable public universitiesLet me start by saying you never know how much a college is actually going to cost until you get the college’s financial aid award. That’s when you really know if a college is affordable. But there are indicators that some colleges are more likely to be affordable than others. Knowing these indicators mean that you can make sure you apply to colleges more likely to meet your financial needs. That doesn’t guarantee they will because we are talking averages here. But it does improve your chances.

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Looking for a list of colleges that…?

Woman looking for college lists on compuster

woman looking at a list of colleges on a camputerIf you’re planning to create a college list, take a look at some existing lists before starting. It’s possible that you’ll find a couple that can save you a lot of time. If nothing else, a quick perusal might generate some new ideas or bring up some issues you hadn’t considered. Best of all-most of the lists are free.

This is will be an on-going project so be sure to check back for updates.

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50-50 Highlights: Best Financial Bets for Public Universities

graduate holding money represent public colleges best financial betsA few years ago I did a post on Best Financial Bets for 50-50 Public Universities. The idea is to create a list of public schools that accept at least 50% of students and have at least a 50% graduation rate and are likely to be affordable through either merit or need-based financial aid. I’ve decide to update the list using simpler criteria which increased the number of colleges on the list. Ultimately, I ended up with 66 50-50 public colleges as best financial bets. If you aren’t interested in the gory details of how I came up with the list, just skip to the end to see the entire list.

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50-50 Highlights: Colleges with Highest Graduation Rates by State

A group of graduates from a state with the highest college graduation rates joyfully throwing their mortarboards into the air under a clear sky.

graduating students representing colleges with highest graduation rates by stateThe idea behind listing 50-50 colleges is that they offer most high school students a reasonable chance of admissions with an equally reasonable chance of graduation. As I’ve mentioned before, the most expensive college is the one you don’t graduate from. And while depressing, a 50% graduation rate is actually a fairly high standard. Out of 1,586 colleges, only 458 have a 50% or better graduation rate. Even so, you have to wonder, how high of a graduation rate is possible while still admitting at least 50% of students?

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50-50 Highlights: Colleges with Religious Affiliations

Church stained glass windows representing colleges with Religious Affiliations

Stained glass window representing colleges with religious affiliationsThe first colleges founded in the colonies were religious-based institutions. Today over 500 colleges and universities have some sort of religious affiliation representing approximately one-third of all four-year institutions. Among 50-50 colleges, 41% of institutions have a religious affiliations.

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36 Best Bets for Test Optional Merit Aid

dollar signs on chalk board representing best options for test optional colleges merit aidThink because you’re a miserable test taker, you don’t have a chance at merit aid? Maybe not. If you’re willing to step away from the limelight of prestige and top 50 college rankings, you can find some excellent opportunities among the growing number of test optional colleges. With just a little digging into the data, I came up with 36 possible test optional colleges for merit aid.

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