Students interested in majoring in engineering don’t have the luxury of waiting several semesters before starting work in their major. The demanding sequence of courses requires students to begin major requirements as freshman. Even starting as freshman, engineering majors often take more than four years to graduate.
50-50 Highlights: Colleges With the Most Visual and Performing Arts Majors
Are there any good 50-50 schools for students majoring in the Visual and Performing Arts? Unfortunately, I can’t say since I don’t really know much about what defines a quality music program or which schools have the best reputation in theater or dance. Just from the little I’ve read, I suspect that the category is too broad to be meaningful to students seriously interested in one of the art disciplines.
50-50 Highlights: Colleges with the Most Health Professions Majors
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the occupation that is projected to have the second largest number of new jobs between 2014 and 2024 requires only a bachelor’s degree and had a 2015 median pay of $67,490 per year. It’s not engineering or computer programing. It’s nursing.
50-50 Highlights: Colleges with the Most Science Majors
When you think about research at colleges and universities, you probably picture people in white lab coats measuring something or
blackboards whiteboards covered with endless equations. These are the places you go to really understand how things work in the math and sciences.
50-50 Highlights: Colleges with the Most Business Majors
For those who are looking for a college degree to prepare them for a job in the “real” world, what could more real than a business major? According to the Center on Education and the Workforce’s report “What’s It Worth: The Economic Value of College Majors,” business is the most popular major with an average of 25% of student graduating with the major.
Comparison of Top 11 College Search Engines: Searching for Colleges by Majors
(This is part 8 of Comparison of Top 11 College Search Engines)
When we were visiting colleges with my son, one small liberal arts college pulled the parents aside for a discussion of the Liberal Arts and gainful employment. I don’t think the session was actually called that but it was definitely the idea behind the session. Will my child be able to get a job if she majors in the Liberal Arts?
50-50 Highlights: 3-2 Engineering Programs
Too often students limit their choices because of preconceived notions about what is “best” or “required.” If you want to do pre-med, you must be a major research university; if you’re interested in film, nothing less than a film school will do. And if you want to be an engineer, you must attend an engineering school.
5 Steps to a Successful Junior Year
The following is a guest post on junior year college planning by Jessica Socheski, a higher education writer.
Your junior year of high school is one of the most exciting seasons because this is when college preparation really kicks into high gear. Eleventh grade is the perfect time to explore career paths, visit colleges and complete your standardized tests (i.e. SAT and/or ACT). There are many opportunities and a lot of information that will be thrown at you in this year. But with a clear guide of what to do and what not to worry about, you’ll be able to successfully navigate your junior year.
Top Colleges for Business Majors
Which colleges are graduating the most students with majors in business excluding specialty schools? I looked at schools with at least a 49% or better four-year graduation rate because “graduating” is an important part of this question. In terms of absolute numbers, the top 15 are pretty much large universities, almost all public universities with two exceptions, Indiana Wesleyan University and Bentley University.
Not surprisingly, these two universities are on the list of the top 15 institutions with the highest percentage of graduates with business majors. These 15 colleges were all private and tended to be on the small size with Indiana Wesleyan University being the largest at just under 10,000 full-time undergraduates. The percentage of business majors ranged from 41% to 95% at Bentley University.