Maybe You Can Get Money From a College You’ve Never Applied To

Student happy about paying less for college using TuitionFit

When talking to people about paying for college, one of my mantras is that you can’t get money from a college you’ve never applied to. Well, that’s changing with a new app called TuitionFit. TuitionFit is an absolute game changer in the college money arena and every family needs to know about it. Because if you use TuitionFit, you just could get money from a college you’ve never applied to.

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50-50 Highlights: Best Colleges for Merit Scholarships

hand holding key representing best colleges for merit aid

Hand with key to unlock best colleges for merit scholarshipsStudents with high Expected Family Contributions (EFC) who want to pay less for college need to find those colleges most likely to provide generous merit aid. One way to do this is to identify colleges that have a high percentage of freshman without need who receive merit aid. The higher the percentage, the more likely students are to qualify for merit aid.

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50-50 Highlights: College Awarding Most Financial Aid by State

tables listing college offering most financial aid in each state

file folder titled "grants" representing colleges providing the most financial aid by stateIf you knew that the average amount of financial aid a college awarded freshmen was $25,000, would you consider it? With the cost of four years of college ranging from $100,000 to over a quarter of a million dollars, why wouldn’t you? I’m not saying you have to apply to the college, I’m just saying give it a look over because chances are it’s one that wasn’t on your radar. The table below lists all 50-50 colleges that provide the most institutional aid in each state according to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. Since it is limited to 50-50 colleges, there are only 36 private colleges and 46 public institutions on the list.

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Facebook Live with

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin0 SharesParents of high school seniors and those who help them need to make the time to watch Monday’s Facebook Live with Mark Salisbury of Why? Because this application is the first major shift in righting the information balance in paying for college. Mark Salisbury, the founder, has found the key to making the … Read more

50-50 Highlights: Colleges in the New York City Area

New York City representing colleges in New York City area

New York City representing colleges in New York cityWhen students think about going to college in New York City, NYU and Columbia are usually the first colleges that come to mind. And then maybe Vassar and Fordham will be mentioned. Someone might think about the City Colleges. But for too many students, going to college in New York City is pretty much limited to these schools. Which is too bad since there 84 4-year colleges with at least 500 students in the greater New York area. And 21 of them are 50-50 schools.

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