How Come No One is Talking About Pathetic College Graduation Rates?

Collge graduates representing college graduation rates

College graduates representing college graduation ratesIf college graduation rates were high school graduation rates, every politician, pundit, and policy wonk would be in the mainstream media talking about the crisis of college dropouts and devising ways to tie faculty evaluation to student graduation. Not that such an approach is necessarily the answer. After all, given the situation with high school graduation rates, I’m not sure that we would actually come up with any solutions but, boy, we sure would be talking about it.

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50-50 Highlights: Michigan Tech, University of Kansas, and Seton Hall University

Michigan TechStudents in the College of Business and Economic at Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech) can participate in a Silicon Valley Experience. All first-year engineering students take the same discovery-based learning core classes. Engineering students can start research projects as early as their freshman year through the Research Scholars Program.

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