50-50 Highlights: Colleges in Philadelphia

Philadelphia skyline representing colleges in philadelphia

Philadelphia skyline representing colleges in PhiladelphiaWhen creating their preferred list of colleges, many students are looking for schools that will include the “big city” experience. New York is the obvious choice. However, students shouldn’t overlook the nation’s 7th largest city, Philadelphia, just a 90 minute train ride to the south. Surely it can provide the requested “big city” experience at one of its 35 area colleges and universities. Furthermore, 16 colleges in Philadelphia have at least a 50% graduation rate while accepting at least 50% of applicants qualifying them as 50-50 schools.

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How Come No One is Talking About Pathetic College Graduation Rates?

Collge graduates representing college graduation rates

College graduates representing college graduation ratesIf college graduation rates were high school graduation rates, every politician, pundit, and policy wonk would be in the mainstream media talking about the crisis of college dropouts and devising ways to tie faculty evaluation to student graduation. Not that such an approach is necessarily the answer. After all, given the situation with high school graduation rates, I’m not sure that we would actually come up with any solutions but, boy, we sure would be talking about it.

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50-50 Profile: Grove City College

Grove City College campus

ShareTweet2FlipEmailPin24 Shares Grove City College-Private Grove City, Pennsylvania 2,444 (all undergraduates) Does College Size Matter? GET ALL 50-50 SCHOOLS College Navigator 2015-16 Accepted: 81% 4 Year Graduation Rate: 77% 5 Year Graduation Rate: 82% Why YOU Should Care About College Graduation Rates FINANCES 2015-16 Total Expenses: $26,806 Average Net Price 14-15: $19,824 Freshman Non-Federal Loans: … Read more

50-50 Highlights: University of California-Santa Cruz, Lycoming College, and Salisbury University

University of California Santa Cruz50-50 Colleges accept at least 50% of their applicants and have at least a 50% graduation rate. The 50-50 Highlights lists some of the distinctive features of selected institutions.

At the University of California-Santa Cruz all undergraduate students are affiliated with one the ten residential colleges. The University supports undergraduate research through a searchable Research Opportunities Database.

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