50-50 Highlights: 40 Colleges for High-Income Families–and 40 Colleges to Avoid

roll of money and graduation hat representing colleges for high income students

money and graduation hat representing colleges for high income familiesFamilies are told not to avoid private colleges and universities because of their high sticker prices. The fact is that very few people pay the actual sticker price. This includes families in the highest income category since most private colleges provide financial aid for high income families in the form of tuition discounting more commonly known as “merit aid.” However, some 50-50 schools are more likely to offer merit aid than others. This means that some colleges will be much more affordable for high income families than others–assuming the student qualifies for merit aid.

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Have You Covered These Adulting Topics on Your College Move-in Checklist?

woman with computer and planner representing Legal documents for college students

woman with computer and planning representing Legal documents for college studentsAs parents swing between the excitement of going through the latest dorm checklist from Target or cry in their morning coffee cup while making hotel reservations for the college move in date, they shouldn’t overlook the most important checklist, the adulting checklist. The reality is that heading off to college also marks the transition to adulthood. While many see college as a sort of intermediate step to becoming a full adult, as far as the law is concerned, your 18 year old is an adult. So take the time to go over the following adulting topics and make sure you have them covered by move-in day.

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