50-50 Highlights: Colleges Where Students Are Most Likely to Graduate with Debt

golden figure holding onto debt representing Colleges Where Students Are Most Likely to Graduate with Debt

golden graduate figure holding on to debtIn case you’ve been in a coma and haven’t heard, there is a student loan crisis. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the total student loan debt of $1.46 billion exceeds that of consumer credit card debt. Apparently, students are borrowing too much to pay for college. Of course, you could argue that maybe they’re not borrowing too much, they just don’t have jobs that will allow them to make their loan payments. Either way, it doesn’t change the fact that students are often borrowing more than they can reasonably repay.

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Recruiting Baseball Tips: How to Target Colleges

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin2626 SharesHow to target colleges was one of the most common questions on our baseball survey. To target colleges, both parents and son need to research colleges. The FACTS method will walk you through to find the colleges where the coaches will recruit you. Click HERE to learn the three biggest questions Parents and Players … Read more

College Counseling Certificate Comparison

A woman with blonde hair, wearing a white blouse, points at a computer screen while holding a red notebook. Another person, with dark curly hair, looks on attentively. They are in an office setting, comparing college counseling options.

college counselor working with student representing college counseling certificatesI’m in the process of considering enrolling in a college counseling certificate program. Why would I want a certificate? Well, there’s the crass credentialism motivation. People seem to be impressed by official credentials and a certificate has got to be cheaper than an actual degree.

But then I would expect the courses to actually provide me with information useful for college counseling. I have been narrowly focused on the financial implications of college lists. I recognize there is more to college admissions than just choosing a college.

And finally, there is the networking aspect of it. Private college counseling is an isolating profession and it would be nice to connect to others with similar interests. Hmmm, my reasons aren’t so different than why people decide to go to college.

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50-50 Highlights: Best Public Universities for Low Income Students by State

Stacks of coins with graduation hat representing Best Public Universities for Low Income Students

Stacks of coins and graduation hat representing Best Public Universities for Low Income StudentsGiven that very few private colleges meet 100% of financial need, the cheapest option for most low-income students will be one of their state’s public universities. There will always be some low-income students that will have their full need met at private colleges, but they will be the exception. The majority will find themselves “gapped” and forced to consider private loans to make up the difference.

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50-50 Highlights: Largest Universities and Their Advantages

crowd representing large universities

Students at a large universityI remember as a sophomore sitting in an American Literature class when the professor starting talking about the advantages of attending a large university such as the University of Texas (hook ’em) versus going to a smaller institution such as Rice. I don’t know what brought on the lecture but he was adamant that we were receiving just as good of an education as those going to Rice. Furthermore, unlike the students at Rice, we would never run out of classes to take.

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