Surprising Ways to Cut College Costs

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin11 SharesCheck out the latest episode of the College Prep Podcast. I had a great time as a guest on the College Prep Podcast with Megan and Gretchen discussing what parents need to know about scholarships. We also covered baseball scholarships, graduation rates, and college rankings. Be sure to look at some of their previous … Read more

50-50 Highlights: Colleges with the Highest Percentage of International Students

group of international students at colllegeWhat does it mean if a college or university has a relatively high percentage of international students? Does it indicate better tuition deals for foreign students either in terms of financial aid or lower out-of-state tuition? Or does it mean that the school is better at recruiting international students for full pay students?

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Why Your Most Affordable College May Be Outside the United States

A laptop, passport, airplane tickets, notebook, and pencil on a desk, with a cup of coffee and text suggesting going to college abroad for affordability.

Passport representing going to college abroadWhen creating a list of colleges to apply to, smart families make sure the list includes several “financial safeties.” These are colleges that the students are likely to be admitted and the family is certain to afford. However, given the need to apply for financial aid, it’s increasingly difficult to identify financial safeties. After all, you don’t really know how much you’re going to pay until you get your award.

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50-50 Highlights: Why Not Create Your Own 50-50 List?

Boy with colors showing how to create your own custom college listIf you have ever taken a look at my explanation of 50-50 college, you know that they’re not actually 50-50. They’re really 49-49 with the second 49 depending on the type of school. Nonetheless, I justify calling it a 50-50 list and I’ve never had anyone complain.

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Financial Aid for Low Income Students-No Cause for Envy

Four hands reaching towards a suspended $5 bill, with the text "financial assistance for low-income students-no cause for envy.

hands grabbing money representing financial aid for low income studentsWhen I went to college, back in the 80’s, my Pell Grant covered my tuition. My parents were usually able to help pay for books and my student loans and part-time jobs paid for room and board. Thanks to financial aid, I was able to graduate from an honors program at my state flagship university in four years.

How many people can do that today?

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Yes, It is Harder to Get Into the Top Ranked Colleges

Racing boat representing college rankingsAre your chances of becoming president better today than they were in 1990? Given that the population in 1990 was 248,709,873 and increased by 24% to 308,745,538 in 2010, your chances are worse. While the general population has increased, there is still only one president. Despite population growth, we still have 435 members in the House of Representatives, the same number as in 1911. If the proportion of the number of representatives kept pace with the population since then, we would be looking at a House of Representatives approaching 1,500.

What does this have to with college admissions? There are still only eight Ivy League Universities and their class size certainly hasn’t been keeping up with population growth.

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How to Find Full Ride Scholarships

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin379379 Shares See the Full Ride Scholarships spreadsheet created by Wendy Nelson of Wendy has been working on this spreadsheet for years. It lists all US colleges that offer full-ride or full-tuition merit based scholarships. It contains 606 colleges in 49 states with over 1,200 scholarships. If you’re looking for full ride scholarships, this … Read more

What You Need to Know About College Confidential

Student at computer representing what you need to know about college confidential

Woman on computer on college confidentialCollege Confidential seems to be a lot like the US News College Rankings. Either people use it blindly as the final word on college admissions or they see it as simply the manifestation of all that is wrong with the college admissions process. The reality is that College Confidential, like US News College Rankings, can be a useful tool in your college search toolbox if used properly.

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11 Colleges Frugal with Financial Aid

picture of locked money representing expensive collegesSometime ago, I listed 15 schools to avoid if you’re making a list of affordable colleges. After all, just as there are colleges that are known for their generosity, there are expensive colleges that you should avoid if you’re looking for significant help in cutting the cost of college. Since I’ve just recently updated the DIY College Rankings Spreadsheet, I’ve decided to revisit the list and see if the composition has changed much. And yes, there have been some changes.

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