Do parents automatically qualify for PLUS loans?

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin0 SharesParents do not automatically qualify for the federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS).  The PLUS loan application process includes a credit check. According to the Federal Student Aid website, parents with an adverse credit history will not qualify for a loan. An adverse credit history is defined as follows: Your credit history may … Read more

What is a first-year experience?

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin0 SharesA first-year experience is a program designed to help freshman transition to college. These are increasingly common at larger institutions since they provide a built-in peer group for entering freshman. Colleges of any size may have a first year program that is built around some common experience. Students who participate in first year experience programs … Read more

What are the different types of financial aid?

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin0 SharesColleges and universities award students financial aid packages to help cover the cost of attendance. The package is typically made up of combination of aid types. Some aid types are better than others. There are two broad categories for financial aid: self-help and gift. Self-help aid is money that has to be earned through … Read more

How important are grades in admissions?

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin0 SharesAccording to a survey completed by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), grades are the most important factor in college admissions. Nearly 85% of survey respondents listed grades as being of “Considerable Importance.” Admission test scores placed a distant third behind “Strength of Curriculum” at 59.2%. The study noted that small colleges … Read more

What is need-based aid?

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin0 SharesFinancial aid is awarded based on two general categories, need-based and non-need (merit) based. When people hear the term “financial aid,” they are generally thinking of financial assistance provided because of the student’s financial need. A student’s financial need is based on her financial status and the cost of the school she actually attends. … Read more

What is a safety school?

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin0 SharesWhen applying to colleges, students are often encouraged to apply to reach, match, and safety schools. These categories describe the likelihood of students being admitted based on how closely their qualifications match those required by the colleges. A safety school is one where students qualifications would easily put them in the top quarter of … Read more

What is tuition discounting?

college student asking what is tuition discounting

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin0 SharesTuition discounting refers to the scholarships and grants colleges and universities provide to students. The Association of Government Boards of Universities and Colleges defines it as “Tuition discounting is the process by which the institution offsets its published tuition price (sticker price) with institutional grant aid for enrolling students.” The students are not paying … Read more

Should I Live on Campus or Off?

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin0 SharesOften students do not have a choice of whether to live on or off campus. It’s simply a matter of finances-to be able to afford to attend college, they live at home and attend a local university. But for those who have the choice, research shows that students who live on campus do better … Read more

When Should You Take the SAT?

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin0 SharesThe conventional wisdom is that juniors should take the SAT or ACT sometime in the spring of their junior year.  If need be, they retake it in the fall of their senior year. If you don’t have any reason not to such as playing a fall sport, my recommendation is to take the exam … Read more