Comprehensive College Spreadsheet
Start Comparing Colleges!
For the cost of a single college application you could be using your college spreadsheet to find colleges with the best financial aid possibilities rather than looking up the data from websites to enter. Requires Excel or Google Sheets.
Create your own Custom College List for
less than the cost of taking one AP Exam!
Only $24!
What will the college spreadsheet tell you?
Which public colleges have graduation rates less than 40%.
Which colleges use the CSS PROFILE and require the Non-Custodial Parent form.
How many private colleges provide 90% or more of freshman with scholarships that averaged $15,000 or higher.
How many private colleges in Pennsylvania have an average net price under $30,000.
If the colleges your considering have 20% or more of undergraduates with PLUS Loans
Just how useful is the college spreadsheet?
Bhalaji Kumar
Parent, TX
I have used the DIY college spreadsheet many times over the past three years. I used it for my son, and now I am using it for my daughter. There is so much data that helps in looking at colleges from various angles – Admit rate (overall, men women), ACT/SAT score, financial, college major, race, etc. I use it to filter down to 20 or so colleges. Then I will let my daughter do further research or visit the college to narrow it down. You are doing an excellent job in your effort to help parents and kids get educated in getting into right college. Keep up the good work.
Bob Falcon
President and Founder, College Funding Solutions
Love your spreadsheet. I used it as one of 3 methods to triangulate the estimated gift aid a student will get at any particular school. I especially like the gift aid broken up by Adjusted Gross Income…..great for need-based aid students. I use the financial aid tab more than anything. Lots of the admissions data ties to info which simply validates the accuracy of your database.
Parent, KS
It helped our daughter narrow her list. It helped her to see differences between schools that she might not have otherwise easily seen or known, or even known to look for. It is a lot easier to see all of the school data presented together in a homogenous and objective way versus trying to tease it out from various separate sources, especially from the individual school websites which seem more like marketing websites. It was really helpful to be able to sort and use numeric criteria.
It helped us save money, if only because it helped my daughter zero in on a school where she knew her student profile put her in the top quartile, so she was a strong candidate for merit aid which she did end up getting. The merit aid was worth 48K over the 4 years she attended. She’s a senior in college now, and already has a job for when she graduates.
Pamela Kroeger
Parent and grandparent, FL
Oh Boy! We used the spread sheet....whatever the criteria mode of the week...we sorted and compared. For example, Biology was a big deal...seeking a department with undergrad as well as graduate labs...we love your product & plan to put it to use again in 2019/20. We'll be seeking art/design programs & or schools. I do the put & sort in FL for the grand children in San Diego. Thx for the wonderful resource. Good job!
Ann R.
Parent, TX
I purchased the college rankings spreadsheet and loved it. I found it to be a great compilation of multiple college data sites put into one easy to understand and manipulate.
I sorted the spreadsheet with multiple factors (states, grad & retention rates…etc.), but merit aid was very important to us as our FAFSA-EFC does not reflect need. Once I had schools highlighted, my daughter then read about the majors and minors she was interested in and created her application list.
We’re still waiting for results from the UC’s she’s applied, but she has had great success with only one decline from 12 applications and all but one with scholarship offers.
Ann R., parent of two, both graduating, one from college (UCSC) and the other high-school. California