5 College Costs Infographics Worth Looking At

If you believe a picture is worth a 1000 words or just have to communicate with someone who isn’t interested reading more than 140 characters at a time, infographics are for you. There are plenty of infographics on college costs that can be used as an introduction to topic. Of course, some are better than … Read more

415 Colleges with at least 50% Acceptance Rates and 50% Graduation Rates

I’ve finally finished updating my list of 50-50 colleges. There’s nothing sophisticated about the 50-50 list, it’s simply a list of all colleges and universities that accept at least 50% of students and have at least a 50% graduation rate. That means that these are schools most students could get into and have a good … Read more

Been There, Done That, Ready to Write the Tuition Check: The Results

Last week Wendy Nelson shared her experience of working with her daughter through the college application process. This week she has graciously agreed to reveal the results of the process. Her daughter’s choice, Valparaiso University, is a 50-50 school with a Phi Beta Kappa chapter, among the best for institutional aid, in the top 30 … Read more

College Search Websites: Princeton Review and US News

The last two college search websites, The Princeton Review and US News College Rankings, take a different approach than the previously reviewed sites. Rather than provide different factors for you to rank and search on, they essentially rank the schools for you. The user is expected to use the rankings to select colleges for consideration … Read more

College Search Websites: College Data

Family using College Data to search for colleges

The College Data Your Online College Advisor website has a variety of interesting features besides its College Match service.  Registered users can track college admission results based on test scores and GPA entered by other website users. They can also calculate their chances for admissions at different colleges and estimate net cost.

College Search Websites: Introduction

If you were to visit the major college search websites, you would conclude that people have just a few considerations when choosing a college. Based on the search options common to eight of the most popular websites, students want to be able to pick a college based on its location, the location’s setting, size, tuition, … Read more

How I Created My Own College Rankings

Every ambitious high school student getting ready to apply to college knows about the US News College Rankings. And probably every parent of an ambitious high school student knows the flaws of the rankings–or at least they should. So now it’s all about “fit.” There are plenty of books to educate you on the importance … Read more