5 Reasons Why College Confidential is Slowly Killing You

Teen visiting college confidential(The following is a guest post by JJ Shaw, an incoming freshman at Columbia College, and pretty much sums up why you should never visit the “chance me” forums at College Confidential.)

College Confidential is “the world’s largest college forum.” Except in this world, 2400s aren’t merely enough.

It has a long history of feeding the egocentric tendencies of high achieving seniors. It inflates the self-worth of some, all while crushing the confidence of otherwise perfectly capable college-bound students.

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Which Colleges Spend the Most on D1 Baseball?

Baseball and money representing which college spend the most on d1 baseball(See the most updated information at here.) Given that full-ride scholarships are a rarity in college baseball, players may want to consider other ways colleges support their baseball programs. After all, there are ways for colleges to spend money on baseball  that will affect the players’ overall experience besides just scholarships. This can include anything from uniforms, equipment, fields, to travel. For those interested in such things, this is an update on D1 baseball expenses by team using the latest information from the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE).

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Should You Start and Then Transfer from a Community College to Save Money?

Scales weighing time and money

2 scales weighing time and money in transferring from a community collegeShould you start your undergraduate education at a community college to save money? As usual, there is rarely a simply yes or no answer. So many factors for college success vary from institution to institution and so much depends on the individual that any answer is going to have to be qualified.

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Best 7 Facebook Pages on College Admissions

Woman looking at Best Facebook Pages on College AdmissionsBelieve it or not, spending time on Facebook can be a good thing for parents involved in the college search and admission process. In fact, Facebook can be an efficient way of collecting information from a variety of sources to help figure out what you need to know about finding and paying for college. And I’m not talking about simply following colleges that might eventually make the final college list.

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Surprising Ways to Cut College Costs

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin11 SharesCheck out the latest episode of the College Prep Podcast. I had a great time as a guest on the College Prep Podcast with Megan and Gretchen discussing what parents need to know about scholarships. We also covered baseball scholarships, graduation rates, and college rankings. Be sure to look at some of their previous … Read more

50-50 Highlights: Colleges with the Highest Percentage of International Students

group of international students at colllegeWhat does it mean if a college or university has a relatively high percentage of international students? Does it indicate better tuition deals for foreign students either in terms of financial aid or lower out-of-state tuition? Or does it mean that the school is better at recruiting international students for full pay students?

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Why Your Most Affordable College May Be Outside the United States

A laptop, passport, airplane tickets, notebook, and pencil on a desk, with a cup of coffee and text suggesting going to college abroad for affordability.

Passport representing going to college abroadWhen creating a list of colleges to apply to, smart families make sure the list includes several “financial safeties.” These are colleges that the students are likely to be admitted and the family is certain to afford. However, given the need to apply for financial aid, it’s increasingly difficult to identify financial safeties. After all, you don’t really know how much you’re going to pay until you get your award.

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50-50 Highlights: Why Not Create Your Own 50-50 List?

Boy with colors showing how to create your own custom college listIf you have ever taken a look at my explanation of 50-50 college, you know that they’re not actually 50-50. They’re really 49-49 with the second 49 depending on the type of school. Nonetheless, I justify calling it a 50-50 list and I’ve never had anyone complain.

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