Graduation Rates
50-50 Highlights: Availability/Attendance of Colleges with High Graduation Rates by State
Perhaps you’ve seen some variation of this headline recently: “Most colleges students don’t graduate on time.” And maybe you’ve thought, “What’s the deal with college students these days?” and just left it at that. But what if the headline was “Most colleges fail to graduate students in 4 years?” Who are you thinking about now, the college or the student?
50-50 Highlights: Colleges for Hispanic Students
Since 2000, the percentage of Hispanics enrolled in college has increased by 50% to 15.8% of all college students. There are 444 colleges and universities with 500 or more full-time undergraduates where ten percent or more of the undergraduate population is Hispanic. A total of 92 of these schools appear on the 50-50 schools list.