Public Universities Where at Least Half of Students Graduate

college graduates representing public university graduation rates

College graduates representing pubic university graduation ratesThe idea behind the 50-50 school listing is to identify colleges that meet a basic standard, graduation rates, while accepting more students than they reject. However, acceptance rates of 50% or better do not guarantee accessibility for many students. The fact is that the majority of the 50-50 schools are private and not all are generous with their financial aid.

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Resources to Help You Find Alaska Colleges

Where to Start Looking to Find a Alaska Colleges

Alaska Colleges Graduation ratesThe Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education website is the place to start your search for a college in Alaska. Given that there are only three four-institutions with 500 or more full-time undergraduates, there really aren’t a lot of colleges to search through. However, the website still provides users with valuable information

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