12 Days of Christmas 2020: Day 6

Day 6: Six ways to make your college list and recruiting profile better .

12 Days of Christmas Day 6(I’m taking a break from regular blogging and newsletters during the holidays. Hope you enjoy the DIY College Rankings version of the 12 Days of Christmas.)

On the sixth day of Christmas, DIY College Rankings wrote to me:

Six ways to make things better.

6 Tips for Making a Better College Search List

The college search list should contain at least 20 schools, more if you have the time to research them. A good search list will include colleges that you haven’t considered or heard of before you started creating the search list.

6 Things High School Baseball Players Must Have on Their Athletic Profile

Regardless of what format you choose, your athletic profile must include the following six elements.

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12 Days of Christmas 2020: Day 5

A green number 5 with a golden ring on top is standing on a small stack of golden rings, reminiscent of Day 5 from the "12 Days of Christmas." The text "Things to Know" is written beside it.

12 Days of Christmas Day 5(I’m taking a break from regular blogging and newsletters during the holidays. Hope you enjoy the DIY College Rankings version of the 12 Days of Christmas.)

On the fifth day of Christmas, DIY College Rankings wrote to me:

Five things to know.

5 Financial Aid Strategies Parents of Sophomores Need to Know Before the Spring Semester

Yeah, I know it’s cutting it close for this one to be useful, but still worth a read.

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12 Days of Christmas 2020: Day 4

4 ways on how to search for colleges and avoid mistakes.

12 Days of Christmas Day 4(I’m taking a break from regular blogging and newsletters during the holidays. Hope you enjoy the DIY College Rankings version of the 12 Days of Christmas.)

On the fourth day of Christmas, DIY College Rankings wrote to me:

How to search and what to avoid.

4 Easy Steps to Find 254 Colleges for Potential Merit Scholarships

An average net price of over $30,000 suggests that regardless of the amount of aid being awarded, the school is still likely to be expensive.

4 College Recruiting Mistakes to Avoid When You’re the Best Player on Your Team

It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that you can judge your ability because you have played other teams and haven’t seen anyone as good as you.

4 Reasons People Don’t Pick Affordable Colleges

Attending affordable colleges comes with some trade-offs that not all families are willing to make.

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12 Days of Christmas 2020: Day 3

Day 3 wake up calls

12 Days of Christmas day 3(I’m taking a break from regular blogging and newsletters during the holidays. Hope you enjoy the DIY College Rankings version of the 12 Days of Christmas.)

On the third day of Christmas, DIY College Rankings wrote to me:

Three wake-up calls about college financial aid and recruiting.

3 Hard Truths About Financial Aid

For the majority of families, the EFC is going to be much higher than they anticipated.

3 Reasons Why Your Kid’s Good Grades Won’t Pay for College

Yes, your teen may have great grades and test scores. But are they substantially better than everyone else’s that attends the colleges she’s applying to?

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12 Days of Christmas 2020: Day 2

Christmas Day 2 college lists to help you save money on college

(I’m taking a break from regular blogging and newsletters during the holidays. Hope you enjoy the DIY College Rankings version of the 12 Days of Christmas.)

On the second day of Christmas, DIY College Rankings wrote to me:

Two lists worth taking the time to review before creating your college list if you want to save money.

20 Schools to Avoid if You’re Making a List of Affordable Colleges

There isn’t a lot of evidence to show that these schools are going to meet students financial aid need.

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12 Days of Christmas 2020: Day 1

1st day of DIY College Rankings Christmas

12 days of christmas day 1(I’m taking a break from regular blogging and newsletters during the holidays. Hope you enjoy the DIY College Rankings version of the 12 Days of Christmas.)

On the first day of Christmas, DIY College Rankings wrote to me:

In case you missed it this past year, one must read.

The Must Read Chart for all Parents Thinking about Paying for College

Unfortunately, with the passing of Troy Onink, this table hasn’t been updated. However, I think it still gets the point across since prices have only increased. I’m not sure which is more shocking to families, their EFC or the fact that many state flagship universities are costing over $25,000.

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11 Ways to Expand Your College Education Through Off-Campus Study and Exchanges

college student waving goodbye representing Ways to Expand Your College Education Through Off-Campus Study and Exchanges

Student waving goodbye representing ways to expand your education with off campus studyMost college students know that they can study abroad but fewer realize that there are opportunities for off-campus study without ever leaving the country. Why would you want to do that? Because such exchange programs allow you to explore academic subjects not normally available on your campus or to immerse yourself in one area for a semester. Off-campus study programs can help you establish contacts in distant cities for internships or job opportunities. They can provide you the chance to try something different without having to commit to four years at one campus.

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Think your student is on track to be a National Merit Scholar?

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin77 Shares It’s that time of year again when junior PSAT test takes start to wonder if they scored high enough to make their state’s cut-off score to qualify as a National Merit Semi-Finalist. If you have visions of National Merit Scholar qualifying scores dancing in your head, get the list of Colleges Sponsoring National … Read more

Choosing a College After the Military

female soldierThe following is a guest post by Scott Huntington.

In order to properly use the GI Bill – or any military benefit – you can’t choose just any college. Don’t pick your college based on its proximity to the beach or even your family. Not all colleges are interested in helping military personnel achieve their career goals; they’re more interested in the guaranteed funds from your GI Bill.

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