Elizabethtown College-Private
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
1,735 (1,671 undergraduates)
Does College Size Matter?
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
1,735 (1,671 undergraduates)
Does College Size Matter?
Students with high Expected Family Contributions (EFC) who want to pay less for college need to find those colleges most likely to provide generous merit aid. One way to do this is to identify colleges that have a high percentage of freshman without need who receive merit aid. The higher the percentage, the more likely students are to qualify for merit aid.
Crete, Nebraska
1,069 (all undergraduates)
Does College Size Matter?
(Updated for 2019) Imagine choosing between two job offers. (I know, many would be grateful with just one but I did say imagine.) All other things being equal, you would pick the highest paying one, right? So if you’re deciding where to play D1 college baseball, all other things being equal, you would pick the one that spends the most money on the team.
Newport News, Virginia
5,081 (4,954 undergraduates)
Does College Size Matter?
(Updated for 2019) Attempting to list colleges and universities with the best services for students with disabilities ultimately demonstrates the problems in creating a list of the “best” of anything. When dealing with disabilities, so much depends on the individual needs of the students so what is ideal for one student won’t work for another. Never mind the fact that an institution’s approach to accommodating students can also heavily rely on one or two persons’ attitudes.
DeLand, Florida
3,961 (2,516 undergraduates)
Does College Size Matter?