Are TAs Going to be Teaching Your Classes?

college students sitting in a circle representing TAs teaching classesIf you attend an institution with non-professional graduate students, the answer in most cases is yes. And they don’t have to be large schools. There are 37 schools with less than 5,000 full-time undergraduates that have at least 50 or more graduate teaching assistants. You’ll even have TAs teaching classes at Harvard and Yale.

How can this be?

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College Search Websites: College View

Good Better Best Steet SignsThe College View website is a comprehensive search website along the lines of Big Future and College Data in that it includes more than just the search function. The site includes information on Financial Aid and the Application Process. It also has sections on Campus Life and Careers & Majors. The Student Lounge is basically a selection of posts and other resources from College Confidential which is done by the same company.

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