You do not have to pay for a professional skills video for college baseball recruiting. If you have a video camera (or smartphone), a video stand, and a basic editing program, you can create your own baseball recruiting video that will be perfectly fine for college recruiting.
There are plenty of websites offering information on how to create such videos. After reviewing a few of them, you’ll find that there are some common elements that should be included in every video. The websites below provide a good overview of what is available for baseball and softball. If you only want to read one website, GoBigRecruiting is the one to visit. It offers detailed video guidelines for both Softball and Baseball.
My own personal tip that I didn’t see on any of the websites I reviewed–use your video editing program to turn off all sounds in the video. No need to worry about inappropriate comments, loud cheers, or similar distractions. And you don’t have to worry if the coach likes your music or not.
You’ll notice that I didn’t include any videos on how to make a recruiting video. Maybe it’s just a generational thing but if I’m trying to create a video, I don’t want to have to go back and find the step I need in another video. I would just prefer to have the needed steps in text format already. So in other words, there may be some awesome videos on how to create baseball recruiting videos, but I haven’t watched them.
35 Tips for Making The Baseball Recruiting Video
D1 Baseball Offer is a blog by the parent of a D1 baseball player which is why I don’t understand the small font. The tips are detailed directions on how to shoot a showcase video starting with making sure the player does some warm-ups. There’s a little bit of theatrics but nothing overboard and overall a very comprehensive guide on skills to include and where to be on the field.
7 Tips for Better Recruiting Videos
Xan Barksdale is a former college and minor league catcher, college coach, and author of a guide for baseball catchers. This includes good advice on more general concerns such as sending a DVD or a link to a video or audio issues. Provides a list of skills to include in the video but not which angles to include or specifics about where to be on the field.
Baseball Highlight Video Guidelines
NCSA is a recruiting service that has put together a guide for creating a baseball highlight video. They provide very detailed instruction for what shots to take and how to position the camera and player for each shot. It provides instructions for all positions as well as the 60 yard dash and hitting. You need to remember these aren’t instructions for the final video but for video for their clients to send them for editing.
Creating a Recruiting Video with Your Phone Resource Center
I created this post because I couldn’t find any place that actually talked about how to use your phone for recording a baseball recruiting video. This lists resources for learning how to use your phone to shoot the video, other equipment you’ll need, and how to edit your video. It doesn’t cover the content because that’s included here.
How NOT to Make a Recruiting Video: Part 1
Just to let you know, as far as I can tell there isn’t a Part 2 to this post. Basically, it warns you off the most commonly made mistakes people make when making a baseball recruiting video. This is basically about content, it doesn’t address what to include or editing.
How to Make a Baseball Recruiting Video Coaches Will Actually Watch
If you’re a pitcher, take the time to read this step-by-step explanation on how to make a recruiting video by DriveLine Baseball. It shows you how to set up a camera and a radar gun so the video is providing the critical information coaches need to evaluate a pitcher.
How to Make a College Recruiting Video
The Full Windup website has a general overview of how to make a baseball recruiting video. This covers the basic issues in making a video but doesn’t provide the detailed information on specific skills to cover and how to place the camera.
How to make a compelling recruiting video for $0 with your iPhone 
I almost didn’t include this site because the font is so small! So consider yourself warned. However, it does a good job of explaining how to make a first recruiting video with just a smartphone, edit it, and then upload it to YouTube. It doesn’t go into details on each skill/position since it’s supposed to be replicating what a coach would see at a game.
Important Content for Recruiting Video for Catchers
Advice for catchers from The New England Catching Camp. Explicit advice on which skills to includes and how many repetitions. Also suggests best angles for filming. Starts by stating that the order is how he “likes” things to be presented which is a nice reminder that others may have a different opinion.
Making a Recruitment Video 
The Keep Playing Baseball website post on making a video is basically a general overview of the process with some specific information for pitchers and hitters. There isn’t as much detailed suggestions as some of the other websites but the Video Production DON’Ts are worth a read.
Pro Tips for Recruiting Videos
FloSoftball offers some tips for softball players on what to avoid in their videos. Doesn’t cover a lot but it’s a quick read and maybe a needed reminder.
Recruiting 101 Video Guidelines
GoBigRecruiting offers detailed video guidelines for both Softball and Baseball. There are some differences in what they include. Softball has a section on baserunning which the baseball section does not. The baseball section has separate instructions for first and third base where softball combines them. It tells you what to do, how often to repeat, and where to record it from. Overall a very good resource.
Example: Third Base
With the camera angle positioned 4 ft. to the right of the plate for half and 4 ft. behind the 3B (must see 1B catching the ball)
4 Slow Choppers hit directly at you.
4 Groundballs hit directly to your right/backhand.
4 Groundballs hit directly to your left.
8 Groundballs hit directly at you.
If you only visit one webpage, this is the one to visit.
I’ve created a free “Checklist & Resources for Creating a Recruiting Video with Your Phone” PDF that lists resources for using your smartphone to create a recruiting video. Click here to get your copy.

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