Looking for information on college softball recruiting is a frustrating experience. It seems that there are lot more websites out there interested in selling you their recruiting services than providing information. But such informative sites do exist and some of them are actually recruiting services. However, before you decide to hire a recruiting service, use the following sites to educate yourself on the college softball recruiting process.
One Must Read
If you’re only going to read one thing on college softball recruiting, Top 5 Mistakes Softball Recruits Make, is it. Some of the mistakes includes lists of points a-h. One thing to keep in mind is that the last “mistake” isn’t for everyone. It’s absolutely possible to be recruited to play softball at the college level without paying for expert help. You just have to be willing to put in the work yourself.
Two Rules to Know
If you’re serious about playing softball at the college level, you need to know the rules for recruiting. Not knowing the rules is not an acceptable excuse for violations. Knowing the rules will also allow you to make it as easy as possible for coaches to recruit you. You should download the NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete and the Play NAIA publications. Plan on doing it every year while you’re still playing softball so that you can keep up with any rule changes (can we say test optional?). And if you have any questions, call the organizations and ask!
Three Sources of Help for College Softball Recruiting
You can pay someone to help you through the college softball recruiting process or take advantage of the experience of those who have already gone through it. Back in the ancient days of the internet, like 10 years ago, there were multiple softball specific forums with one the most active being Hey Bucket. Today, not so much.
I still recommend visiting the Athletic Recruits section of College Confidential. While not specific to softball, it provides a wealth of information on the college selection process. If you’re still not able to find your answers and a general web search isn’t working, try the Reddit softball forum with a search on “college recruiting.” Another place to ask questions is at Quora.com. It’s hit or miss whether or not someone will answer your question but still worth the effort. You never know if someone who has gone through the exact same experience as you (or close enough) will be around to answer your question.
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Four Topics to Ponder
It’s easy to get tunnel vision during the recruiting process. Just because you have heard of one way things are done, it doesn’t mean it is the only way.
How College Softball Coaches Recruit. This article is a reminder that other divisions exist besides D1. In fact, the majority of softball players won’t be playing at D1 so understanding their coaches’ recruiting issues is a good thing if you’re serious about playing at the college level.
The Coaches Perspective. This is a great article from the Willamette softball coach on recruiting from the D3 level. Given that D3 has the most softball programs in the NCAA, this is a perspective worth considering.
Academics. Too often players and families put academics on the back burner to focus on everything softball. This article is a reminder that your GPA can open or close doors before a coach even has a chance to see you play. (Make sure that your GPA is based on the right courses as well.)
Video. Video is a key component of the recruiting process. You don’t have to pay for an expensive video service with Hollywood level production. I’ve listed 8 websites on how to make a recruiting video.
Five Sites to Visit
These are all pages stuffed with information on just about every aspect of the college softball recruiting process. There will be some overlap between the sites, but all are worth a visit.
Rogue Recruitment Information. Take the time to read through all the material here. Pay particular attention to the Myths & Realities section-not all colleges fully fund their allowed scholarships.
26 Helpful Athletic Resumes and Player Profile Templates. This is my list of all the resources available to create your athletic resume. There isn’t “one” correct way to do it. I’ve also included links to sample letters for contacting coaches because it’s easier to get recruited if you let a coach know you exist.
Fastpitch Recruiting Web Source. This is a FAQ with Cathi Aradi where she answers questions on everything from college summer camps to early signing to specific skills for a college catcher.
Advice From a Softball Dad Just Off the College Recruiting Roller Coaster Great advice to parents about the recruiting process and college admissions in general.
Athletic Recruiting and the Financial Aid Pre-Read. Yes, this is another one of my posts and I think it’s important information. Since the majority of college athletes are not going to receive athletic scholarships, families need to understand the financial aid process.
Find the schools that will recruit you using the DIY College Rankings Softball Spreadsheet.

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