Find Colleges with the Most Merit Scholarships in 4 Easy Steps

person on stepping stones representing easy steps to finding colleges with the most merit scholarhsips

Person crossing stepping stones representing steps to finding the most merit scholarships(For those looking for colleges with the most merit scholarships, I’m updating this post. Because I’ve updated the spreadsheet several times since I wrote this post, some of the numbers in the text won’t match the results in the graphics. You can see a video demonstration at the end of the post.)    

If you’re looking for colleges that provide the most merit scholarships, start with the information the schools report to the Department of Education. This information states how much money institutions distribute in grants and scholarships and the number of students who receive it. In just four easy steps you can use this data to find colleges most likely to provide generous merit scholarships. These are schools that students with high Expected Family Contributions (EFC) should target for non-need based aid. This is in no way a guarantee. Rather, consider this a way to improve your chances for merit scholarships given the available information. The idea is to use this list as a basis to create the final list of colleges to apply to.

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The Must Read Chart for all Parents Thinking about Paying for College

student studying must read efc chart

Girl looking at efc chartFor the past few years, Troy Onink has had a Guide To FAFSA, CSS Profile, College Financial Aid And Expected Family Contribution at Forbes Magazine. It’s a great article that explains critical elements of the college financial aid process. I think the most valuable part of the guide is the Federal EFC Quick Reference Table. (Click here for an updated version of the EFC Chart with assets.)

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3 Hard Truths About Who Gets Financial Aid

worried woman holding piggy bank representing who gets financial aid

Worrried Woman with piggy bank representing who gets financial aidWhat’s the worst possible thing families could hear after getting their Estimate Family Contribution (EFC) for financial aid? How about that even if they could manage to pay their EFC, more than likely they’ll have to pay even more because most colleges won’t meet their full need. The data on who gets financial aid shows that most families aren’t going to have their need met.

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What Smart Parents Need to Know about Financial Aid

jar of money representing why it's important to understand financial aid

jar of money representing why you need to understand financial aidMost parents know that they will need financial aid to send their kids to college. But they don’t always understand financial aid actually comes from a variety of sources and can vary depending on the college. Do you know the answers to the following financial aid questions?

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I need some help

ShareTweetFlipEmailPin0 SharesI have to admit, I like working by myself and taking care of the different things that come up when you’re a “solopreneur.” But while I know I can generally figure out things for myself, sometimes it’s better to have others do specific jobs because that’s their expertise. Right now I’m having hosting a … Read more

Free College Data Workshop

ShareTweet6FlipEmailPin17 SharesAll Sessions Now Available Workshop sessions will cover data to consider when searching for colleges including college graduation rates and net price. I’ll also demonstrate how to use different websites to access data for your college search. View when convenient for you at no cost! Session 1 Session 2 Session 3

Creating College Lists 101: Introduction to Printing in Excel

Blackboard with lesson introduction to printing in excelDespite our best attempts to avoid printing information that we can access from our computers or smart devices, there’s going to be a time when you’ll need, or more likely someone else needs, to print out data from your Excel spreadsheet. Therefore, in this lesson I’ll cover the basics of what you need to know to start printing in Excel.

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