This is a guide to the website resources for college softball recruiting.
DIY College Rankings Softball Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet with over 1600 four and two-year institutions that have softball programs.
College Application Tracking Spreadsheet (free)
Spreadsheet to track your college application deadlines. Just sign-up for the up-dates using the box to the left.
4 College Recruiting Mistakes to Avoid When You’re the Best Player on Your Team
Many high school players and their families believe that being the best player on their teams is their ticket to playing at the college level ...
5 Warning Signs that You Don’t Understand the College Recruiting Process
If you spend any time on the internet or reading books on college athletic recruiting, you’ll see lists of common mistakes made by families during the recruiting ...
8 Ways Showcase Camps Can Be a Waste of Money
Remember when camps were something you did for a week or two in the summer or maybe over a weekend with a scouting troop? High ...
What is a walk-on player in college sports?
College athletes without a scholarship that play on a team that offers scholarships are generally referred to as “walk-ons.” Over time, the term has evolved ...
Is Stacking Athletic and Academic Scholarships Allowed?
The first thing you need to know is that athletic and academic scholarships can't be stacked at D3 schools because they do not offer any ...
3 Types of Players that Don’t get Recruited by Colleges
There are a lot of athletes and their families that are expecting to play their sport in college. And far too many of them are ...
Why My Spreadsheets Don’t Include the Coaches’ Email Addresses
My College Athletic Spreadsheets do not include any coaches’ information. No email addresses for baseball coaches or phone numbers for softball coaches. I occasionally get requests to include the coaches’ email ...
Should you tell coaches about an injury during the recruiting process?
Just asking this question suggests that it’s possible to hide the injury from the college coaches. I suppose it’s possible to hide an injury during ...
Must Read for High School Baseball Players and their Parents
There is a post at the Next Level Baseball Player blog that all high school baseball players who want to play college baseball and their ...
5 Ways to Get Smart About College Softball Recruiting
Looking for information on college softball recruiting is a frustrating experience. It seems that there are lot more websites out there interested in selling you ...
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